
PLG Chair Handover

Following a successful and inspirational term as Chair of the PLG, Kay Tait has now stepped down after four and a half years.

Kay presided over a number of changes in the PLG Including:

  • Membership Expansion
  • Rebranding
  • New training initiatives such as the FIT program
  • Appointment of new board members

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as the Chair of the Board of the PLG and with many thanks to my supportive and collaborative Board members, I am proud to have helped oversee the growth and development of the organisation to what it is today.  My Chairship covered the uncertain covid pandemic period and yet we have still grown the PLG membership to its largest member base since the organisation’s inception some 30 years ago and continue to provide valued training and networking opportunities. I am pleased to be able to continue as a Board member but am also delighted to hand over the Chair position to Andrew Dean, who I am confident will do a fantastic job overseeing the PLG’s immediate future and longer-term planning activities.  Thank you to all our members for their support and as always, I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events”,

Kay Tait, Former PLG Chair and Executive Transaction Director, AstraZeneca.


The PLG’s succession strategy means that the chair is appointed from the incumbent vice chairs.

We are delighted that Andrew S.M. Dean has now been appointed Chair of the Pharmaceutical licensing group effective 1 October 2022.

Andrew has been a member of the PLG since 2002 and is also Vice President of the IPLS.

“It is an honour to have been appointed Chair. Kay’s influence over the PLG left it stronger than it has ever been. I look forward to working with the board to offer even more benefits for our members.  In the coming months we will be setting forth our plan for 2023 and beyond. To help shape that plan we will be consulting our members for their valued input “.

Please feel free to connect:  LinkedIn Profile.

Andrew S.M. Dean, PLG Chair and Managing Director, Present Value.

Dan Thomas, CEO, Covestus Healthcare, will remain as Vice Chair and in the coming quarter he will be joined by a new Vice Chair appointed by the board.

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