FIT Level 2 – Intermediate

Level 2 provides Intermediate learning, longer seminars and webinars delivering a more in depth dive into specific subjects such as Warranties, Representations & Liabilities and How to Draft a Term Sheet.

  • The Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court

    Wednesday 27th April 2022

    The patent landscape in the EU is on the brink of the most significant change in a generation and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and a new “unitary patent” or “European patent with unitary effect” (UP) will soon become a reality. This seminar will provide an update on progress, an overview of the associated pros and cons of the new system and discuss the contractual implications for patents which are licensed-in, licensed-out or jointly owned with third parties.

    £185.00 (Members: £150.00)

  • Supply Agreements: Key Considerations as a Buyer

    Thursday 18th November 2021

    Key considerations as a buyer from the manufacturing and legal perspective

    £250 (Members: £225.00)

  • How to Read a Set of Accounts

    Thursday 11th March 2021

    Learn the essentials of company accounts and how to analyse them to obtain the information you need to support a deal.

  • FIT Intermediate: Term Sheets

    Thursday 21st January 2021

    Key considerations from a BD, legal and financial perspective. That crucial stage, clarity after negotiation. Learn from contemporary dealmakers on how to structure your agreement in principle for the foundation of a binding agreement. This virtual afternoon workshop will consider drafting a term sheet from both the Business Development (session 1) and Legal perspectives (session 2), together providing a comprehensive primer. The subject will be explored further using a term sheet case study.

  • Warranties, Representations and Liabilities

    Thursday 3rd December 2020

    Hosted by the legal team at GreenburgTraurig, this afternoon workshop (2pm-4pm GMT) will review the common contractual mechanisms under which a buyer / licensee can obtain protection from the risks identified in due diligence.

FIT Students: access your materials for this course here...

More Information

Training Contact

Linda Sterrett

Tel: +44 7732 194819


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