05-03-2025 to 07-03-2025
Introduction to Healthcare Business Development & Licensing
Introduction to Healthcare Business Development & Licensing is a training… more info / booking...
The Pharmaceutical Licensing Group network offers unrivalled access to those involved in the healthcare business development & licensing community throughout Europe.
Since the introduction of the PLG Central & Eastern Europe group (PLG CEE) in 2012, there are now 9 national Pharmaceutical Licensing groups in Europe; Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, the Nordic region, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. Each national group runs a programme of local meetings with access to training courses designed to meet the needs of its members.
European HLG and PLG group members must access the database via their own groups’ member area.
The Business Development Journal for the Pharmaceutical Licensing groups is also available in the members area.
PLC Deutschland
Canadian Healthcare Licensing Association
Pharma Licensing Club France
HLG Italy
Japan Pharma Licensing Association
Nordic Pharma Licensing Group
Pharmaceutical Licensing Group Benelux
Pharmaceutical Licensing Group Central and Eastern Europe
Pharmaceutical Licensing Group Spain
Swiss Healthcare Licensing Group
05-03-2025 to 07-03-2025
Introduction to Healthcare Business Development & Licensing is a training… more info / booking...
The second quarterly PLG member event of 2025 will be… more info / booking...
29-09-2025 to 01-10-2025
Date for your diary Early registration and full agenda details… more info / booking...
November 2020, The International Partnering in Lifescience Society (IPLS)and Canadian Healthcare read more…
As of 1st April 2016, all HLG & PLG group members have access to a read more…