FIT Programme

The PLG are delighted to introduce our new FIT (Fast Intense Training) programme delivering continuous professional development direct to your desk complementing our face to face training courses. The FIT programme operates at different learning levels covering all needs from new entrants through to knowledge top ups for our experienced members.

  • FIT Level 1 - Essentials

    The FIT learning programme starts at level 1, which addresses the essentials for business development. Level 1 learning is a series of short webinars in all of the BD core competencies.

  • FIT Level 2 - Intermediate

    Level 2 provides intermediate learning, seminars and webinars delivering a more in depth dive into specific subjects such as how to draft a Term Sheet.

  • FIT Level 3 - Expert

    Level 3 is the expert level with distance learning modules equivalent to the Units of the MSc course previously run with Manchester University.

FIT Students: access your materials for this course here...

More Information

Training Contact

Linda Sterrett

Tel: +44 7732 194819
